AG on the Today Show

While the past 12 months have been a very unusual and complicated year to navigate, there have been quite a few great things happening for Addressing Gettysburg. Among them was a recent appearance on the Today Show, where the topic was about people who have found new ways to build relationships around common interests. Addressing Gettysburg caught the attention of the show’s producers as a great example for how people can meet virtually to share ideas and information, plus utilize technology to provide interesting and engaging interactions. But, more importantly, it helped each of us to become friends. We are thrilled to have had this opportunity and loved having some of our Addressing Gettysburg friends interviewed and seen on the air. We want to thank our good friend Dina Allende for making the introduction to the Today Show team and for guiding us through the preparation (and settling our nerves) for a network interview. It was a first for all of us and Dina’s professionalism and generosity was invaluable. Thanks, Dina!

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